Our Expert Accident Attorneys Will Fight For Your Rights!

In a split second, a car accident injury could drastically change your life. The decisions you make in the days and weeks to follow, however, can have equally as dramatic an impact. Identifying who is at fault for the accident involving your vehicle, dealing with insurance claims and filing police reports can all have lasting consequences that affect your ability to recover damages in the future. Even if you don’t think you need a Las Vegas car accident lawyer, it’s important to ensure your interests are protected.

The Las Vegas personal injury attorneys at G. Dallas Horton & Associates are available to help you. We can help take the stress out of your recovery process, and help you identify your legal options. We may be able to represent your vehicle injury case both at the negotiating table and, if necessary, in court.

Do Not Waive Your Rights!

Too often, victims will waive their rights to due compensation, either out of compassion for the other party, or fear of a long, drawn-out legal battle. It’s not until medical bills and other expenses begin to pile up that they come to regret this decision. By taking proactive steps immediately, you can leave open the possibility of attaining the compensation you need to recover properly.

Injuries Typically Seen in a Person as The Result of an Accident Include:

If you or a loved one has sustained an injury or severe bodily damage, contact one of our expert auto accident lawyers before filing a damage liability claim with the insurance company. We can help you get treatment, and seek financial compensation from those who are accountable immediately. Contact us at our Vegas office today to see how we can help you!

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Fractured or Broken Bones
  • Neck and Back Injuries
  • Head Injuries
  • Damage to Internal Organs
  • Injuries From Being Crushed
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Burns
  • Spinal Cord Issues or Damage
  • Amputations
  • Lacerations
  • Death

What Should You Do After a Car Accident in Las Vegas?

In a split second your life can change if you are hurt in an accident. Through no fault of your own you could suffer an injury and be unable to work, while medical bills begin piling up as you endure unwanted pain and suffering. Liability in an auto accident can be difficult to determine. That is why it is important that if you have been injured in a car accident you should consult with an attorney to obtain the fair amount of compensation you are entitled to.

G. Dallas Horton, who is an expert car accident lawyer in Las Vegas, has years of experience assisting injured motorists to receive the compensation they deserve for damage and injuries suffered on the road. In this post, we’ll offer tips to help you to make the best legal decisions possible when it comes to an auto accident.

Claim Medical Treatment For Physical Damage:

You should always seek medical attention as soon as possible for an injury even if it seems "small" or "not that bad". Nothing is more important than the health of you and your loved ones.

Do Not Leave The Scene Of The Crash

Stay at the scene of the accident and if possible, move your car to a safe location. It is illegal to leave the scene of the accident. You should stay long enough to collect information from the other driver(s), collect witness information, and provide a statement to the police if necessary.

Another key thing to remember is to Not Admit Fault. Keep your conversations with the other motorists at a minimum: collect the other driver’s name, phone-number, and insurance information. But avoid saying anything that might let them pin any blame on you. That's why Las Vegas car accident lawyers will go through everything you said as soon as possible while it's still fresh in you memory.

2. When You Are Safe, Exchange The Following Information:

  • Name address and phone number
  • Name and contact information of passengers in, and witnesses to, the car accident
  • Driver’s license number
  • Insurance company name, contact number, and policy number. You will need this when you are ready to file your claim against the damage to your property (vehicle or bodily damages) which was received as a result of the accident in which the other party has liability.
  • Make, model, and year of the other car
  • License plate number of the other car
  • VIN number of the automobile if possible

When giving your statement to the police, state exactly what you are sure about. If you are unclear about anything or simply don't know, then say so.

3. Document EVERYTHING!

Document as much of the vehicle damage from the car accident as possible. Cameras in cell phones are common these days, and you can use yours to record as much damage to your car or injury to yourself. Pictures are helpful when it is time for the insurance company or your legal representative to calculate compensation.

Collect information about other vehicles involved in the crash. Collect insurance policy information, make and model, license plate, and VIN number. We always suggest getting as much detailed information about the other driver as possible. Las Vegas is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The other person involved in the crash may live out of state or even another country.

If you have video recording capability on your cell phone, it is a good idea to record yourself describing the events that took place. Then after you have recovered from the shock, and need to make a statement about the accident to your attorney, you will have it to refresh yourself about the details.

4. Make a Report To Your Insurance

You must report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Insurance companies require a specific time, usually 24 hours, to report an accident. Give them the details including information about other victims and drivers that were involved.

5. If You Have Been Injured Seek Medical Attention

If you require medical attention, seek it immediately. Keep in mind that spinal, neck, or back injuries can often take a couple of days, or weeks to become apparent. Get examined by a physician as soon as you can, even if you don't think you are injured. And, if new pains pop up later, don’t hesitate to contact a medical professional.

6. Keep A File Of Documents

Make sure to keep a complete and up to date file of all the documents related to your vehicle accident. Reports, medical records, and statements from your insurance company will be a valuable resource when seeking compensation.

Keeping a file of documents will be valuable if you consult with a automobile accident lawyer. In most states you have two years to file a claim. Even if you don’t immediately pursue litigation, keep an organized folder related to your injury in a safe place. Then if you do consult with an attorney, your documents will be easily available and organized.

7. Consult With a Legal Expert As Soon As Possible

If you have been injured, it is highly recommended you get an evaluation of your case from an experienced legal professional who specializes in car accidents. They will review your case, represent your damage claim, and help you get fair treatment and compensation from the other person, or from an insurance company.

An experienced Las Vegas auto accident attorney will be familiar with state liability laws, will be able to negotiate with the claims adjuster against that liability, and if necessary represent your person in court. Our lawyers have plenty of experience negotiating with insurance companies and know all the tactics they use to pay minimal settlements, and deny a property or bodily damage claim.

An expert Las Vegas personal injury attorney will be able to identify specifically who is at fault and protect you from being denied a fair settlement. Insurance companies do not want to go to trial and may pressure you into accepting a quick settlement. Your attorney will work to protect your interests and seek to get you the settlement you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you need a lawyer after a car accident?

Yes, it is very important to retain a lawyer immediately so he or she can give you advice to protect your rights and preserve evidence so you can get the biggest recovery possible.

When should you hire an attorney for a car accident?

You should hire an attorney immediately. As soon as possible, you should seek advice from an attorney to protect your rights.

Is it worth getting an attorney for a car accident?

Attorneys are necessary to navigate the often unfair and complicated insurance system. Attorney’s help to insure you will be treated fairly and not taken advantage of by the insurance company.

How long does a lawsuit take for a car accident?

Approximately 90% of our cases do not require litigation and settle within one hundred days after the client is discharged from the doctor. Cases that require litigation can take years. Litigation only occurs when a defendant refuses to settle fairly.

Should I try to help the other driver?

If he or she is hurt, absolutely. Remember human life always comes first.

When should I call my insurance company?

You should let your attorney notify your insurance company and let he or she be the one who deals with them. Even your own insurance company will use what you say to them against you.

Will my lawyer call the insurance company for me?

Yes, your lawyer should handle all communications with the insurance company.

What should I tell my insurance company?

You should let your attorney notify your insurance company and let he or she be the one who deals with them. Even your own insurance company will use your own words against you.

Why should I file an injury claim after an auto accident?

Because it is the only way you will be reimbursed for your medical bills and lost wages. Furthermore, it is the only way you can seek compensation for your pain and suffering.

Should I call the police or a lawyer first?

If you have time it is always wise to speak to an attorney before speaking with anyone else. Unfortunately, auto accidents occur on roadways that are being used, if other people are at risk because of the accident scene or if anyone has life threatening injuries, 911 must be the first call so the road can be cleared and lives can be saved.

What steps should I take immediately after the accident?

  1. If time permits call an attorney.
  2. If time does not permit, call the police as it is a very important they document the scene of the accident so they can cite the person at fault. That report protects the non at fault victim.
  3. If your injuries are not severe and time permits, seek an attorney.
  4. If your injuries are substantial go straight to the hospital and you can talk to an attorney after you see a doctor.

What does a lawyer do after a car accident?

He or she identifies and notifies all responsible parties and insurance companies. They also preserve and gather evidence to establish liability against the person who hurt their client. He or she makes certain his or her client is seeing the medical professional’s necessary to document and treat their injuries. Finally, after the attorney knows the extent of their client’s injuries, they prepare a Demand package and demand payment on behalf of their client. If the at fault party refuses, the attorney files suit and asks a jury to award money damages for the injured party.

What if I said I was ok to the police or the other driver, but then started feeling pain hours/days later?

People frequently are in shock from an accident scene. As a result of the shock they do not feel pain until the shock wears off. It is common for people to wait a day after the accident to see a doctor. Furthermore, soft tissue injuries take 2-10 days to reveal their full affects. Nerve injuries can take days or weeks to reveal themselves. In short, when you notice your pain see a doctor, explain you were in an accident and how your symptoms developed. It is his or her job to determine what was caused by the accident. The human body is a complicated thing and often only a medical scientist can provide the answer.

Automobile Fatality Statistics For Clark County, Nevada

*Numbers listed below are averages for years 2016-2017, actual numbers for 2015 and earlier, based on State of Nevada Office of Traffic Safety Annual Reports. Links to these reports can be found at the bottom.

2017 Auto Fatalities in Las Vegas:

  • Fatalities: 303
  • Drunk Driving Fatalities: 88
  • Speeding Related Fatalities: 104
  • Serious Injuries But No Fatality: 1,228

2016 Auto Fatalities:

  • Fatalities: 294
  • Drunk Driving Fatalities: 87
  • Speeding Related Fatalities: 106
  • Serious Injuries But No Fatality: 1,217

2015 Auto Fatalities:

  • Fatalities: 326
  • Drunk Driving Fatalities: 97
  • Speeding Related Fatalities: 111
  • Serious Injuries But No Fatality: 1,334


  • Fatalities: 290
  • Drunk Driving Fatalities: 93
  • Speeding Related Fatalities: 100
  • Serious Injuries But No Fatality: 1,206


  • Fatalities: 266
  • Drunk Driving Fatalities: 79
  • Speeding Related Fatalities: 90
  • Serious Injuries But No Fatality: 1,196


  • Fatalities: 261
  • Drunk Driving Fatalities: 85
  • Speeding Related Fatalities: 102
  • Serious Injuries But No Fatality: 1,099

How does the State of Nevada compare to rest of the U.S.A. in terms of these vehicle fatalities?

According to the data compiled by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 2016, the State of Nevada was only ranked #34 in the total number of related deaths in 2016 with a total of 328 fatalities for the year. Compare that to the 3,776 fatalities caused by the same type of accidents in Texas.

*Accident Reports:
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 report click here,
2017 report click here,
2018 report click here